Many people have ideas and intentions. Some even have goals and plans. Yet comparably few people follow-through and execute their plans to the point of completion.
In a “get-it-now” culture of fast food, smart phones and broadband internet we have seemingly become a society of people with A.D.D.
While I certainly appreciate the convenience of all these things, I’m afraid that many people either don’t recognize or won’t face the reality that most of life simply isn’t that quick and easy. Yet those who want to be more in life than mere consumers must embrace this truth.
Working with young people, I’ve noticed that many students want to respond and do something to get equipped for Christian service or take some leadership opportunity, or to attain a certain G.P.A, but too often their plan to do so is not followed through to completion.
I think many people do this at a grander scale as well. Furthermore, I don’t believe this trend is limited to only students.
Many people are captivated by visions and opportunities, but only to be siezed by a different vision a short time later and to move on to a different opportunity. Few are willing to stick with a job, marriage or even a ministry long enough to see it be truly great.
Most of life requires much focus, perseverance, patience and good old-fashioned hard work. If you aren’t seeing the immediate results you hoped for, give it some time. You may be surprised what happens.