15. That I live in a country where food abounds even in a recession
14. For computers – Though they can be frustrating sometimes, they sure do help!
13. For the internet – I love how I can connect to people and ideas all over the world with the click of a mouse!
12. To live in a country where there can be intense political debate, and at the end of the day the matter is settled peacefully without violent attempts to seize power by military force
11. For a challenging and meaningful job that I really, really enjoy with Every Nation Ministries
10. For an amazing church-family at Every Nation, Tallahassee who have helped to shape me into a man that is more like Jesus than I was 9 years ago (when I started going to my current church)
9. That gas prices are finally going down!!
8. To be debt free!! (Thanks, Dave Ramsey!)
7. That I have had the opportunity to visit Israel and see many of the places I had always read about – if you ever have the chance – GO!
6. For the opportunity to pursue a seminary education!
5. For amazing in-laws that, contrary to the in-law stereotype, I actually really enjoy being around
4. For a house that is climate-controlled (We had no A/C for a while last summer – it was not a pleasant experience in hot and humid Tallahassee, but we made it through)
3. For the ability to read – ( I love learning!)
2. The amazing wife that God has generously given me – she is everything I could have ever hoped for in a wife and more
1. The love of God expressed through Jesus. – Seriously, nothing else matters more than this, and all else pales in comparison to the significance of this wonderful reality.