Steve Shadrach has been involved in college ministry for over three decades. He has a tremendous range of experience starting new ministries and advancing the Gospel.
In this episode, Steve Shadrach talks about the updated version of his classic book on college ministry, The Fuel & The Flame, and shares unique insights for how a new generation can continue to make disciples in what he believes is “the most strategic mission field” in the world today — the university campus.
About Steve Shadrach
Dr. Steve Shadrach is the founder and Global Ambassador for the Center for Mission Mobilization (CMM), which includes the ministry of Support Raising Solutions.
Using SRS Bootcamps and resources, Steve and his team have trained thousands of Christian workers from over 1500 organizations around the world how to launch their personal ministries and raise their support.
Steve helped found Student Mobilization, and The Traveling Team, along with the CMM (formerly The BodyBuilders). He also served as Director of Mobilization for Frontier Ventures (formerly the U.S. Center for World Mission), overseeing the global ministry Perspectives on the World Christian Movement.
A former pastor and missionary himself, Steve has a Doctorate of Ministry in Church and Para-Church Executive Leadership. He and his wife Carol have five grown children and reside in Fayetteville, Arkansas.
Topics Discussed
- How campus ministry has changed over the years and how it has remained the same.
- Why the new version of The Fuel and The Flame with Paul Worcester.
- What Steve sees as some of the greatest obstacles and opportunities for ministry today. Steve answers the question: Is campus ministry as strategic as it was 60 years ago?
- How to expand your vision to have a vision for reaching the world through reaching the campus.
- Urgency in the task of evangelism.
- What “missions mobilization” is and why it matters.
- Advice for college students today.
Listen and Subscribe
- Center for Mission Mobilization
- The Fuel and The Flame
- Campus Ministry Today
- Perspectives Course
- Every Nation Ministries
- 15 Tips to Help You Grow a College Ministry (free download)
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Podcast Artwork Credit
Evan Olsen, Ink Blot Media Group