Imagine what it would be like to be following Jesus day after day, and year after year, without access to any Bible in your own language.
Those of us in the English speaking world have literally dozens of English translations to choose from. Yet, for many people in the world today, this is not their reality. There are still people groups around the world who have no Bible in their own language.
My sister and brother-in-law, who work for Wycliffe Bible Translators, recently showed me this video of a tribe receiving a Bible in their own language for the first time. It’s only five minutes, and it’s powerful!
Here are a few thoughts I had after watching this video clip:
- I’m inspired by all the work that surely went into this effort to translate the Bible into a new language.
- I’m moved by the emotion expressed by these people, as they receive the written Word of God.—Their joy at receiving a Bible is amazing!
- I’m challenged to not take my easy access to the Bible for granted. It’s available in my phone in dozens of English translations at any moment I choose to take time to read it. How often do I neglect it or take it for granted?
- Also, I wonder, who will teach these people the Word of God, which they now hold in their hands, and who will help train up disciples among this group of people? Providing a translation of the Bible is an amazing accomplishment, but there is still much to be done in discipling, teaching and leading people after they receive the written Word.
- There are man more people groups still needing a translation of the Bible. Many of those in organizations such as Wycliffe are aging. Who will continue the work of translation?
Question: What thoughts come to your mind as you watched this video? Do you think it’s easy for those of us to have the Bible readily accessible to take it for granted?