Yes, I have decided to start a blog. For years I have inwardly debated whether blogging was a worth while use of time. As a follower of Christ I continually feel challenged to follow the challenge of scripture to ” be careful how I live” and to “make the most of every opportunity” and so I would ask myself, is blogging genuinely fruitful or is it just a high-tech waste of time? After all who even reads this stuff?! With the jury still out as to the fruitfulness of Blogging I recently read a compelling article on the Desiring God Blog entitled “6 Reasons Pastor’s Should Blog” which helped convince me to start a blog and gave me a clearer sense of purpose for this blog. I hope that my blogs will be beneficial as I recommend resources, share bits of revelation that I got through something insightful I read, help me to interact with people that I otherwise may not, and that through the writing process my ideas and thoughts would even be clarified in my own mind. Let the blogging begin…